Monday, November 26, 2012

Meet me here

Can you meet me here today?
I'm so tired, know I need to
connect with You
and plan for staying connected this week
...even through and into the weekend
...even with new possibilities looming
So much I need to hear from You
So much wisdom and discernment needed

Thursday, November 22, 2012

I want to cry

I want to cry
But maybe I'll cry out to You instead.
Or maybe both

Don't know what's going wrong today...interactions with colleagues just all around difficult. No point in having that afternoon meeting if we cannot first figure out how to do it better.

I need to get myself in order, then be able to love and hear others.
Do I need a nap?
Do I need to pray?
God, what happened?
Now is 'examen' time--Lord, I've thanked you, that I can see these negative emotions, that I realize stuff like this always happens around this time of year.
Examen step 2: Lord, please show me my sin, not just the surface sin, but the roots...

Today, Revelation...freaky image of Jesus with a sword coming out of His mouth. Was I communicating with a sword coming out of my mouth this a.m.?  I didn't think so, and if I was, probably not the same as what the image of Jesus was meant to provoke.

Jesus, in the middle of this day.
I cry out to you
I don't know what's wrong
I just know some things aren't right
and I don't want this day to continue, or to end, the way it is now.

Somehow step in
Show me who You are
Help me rise above
Change this heart
Bring joy and peace, and renewed perspective.

Monday, November 19, 2012

For tomorrow... the end of this day
I ask you for tomorrow...
Oh God help...
Help me please to get back into rhythm
Into the wanting to be in Your Presence
And being able to really settle in
And meet You
And hear
And know, really know You are there
Know You are here
Holding all in Your power
The last few weeks...
So OUT of the habit
Feels like I'm starting all over again
Draw me please Lord
Into Your presence
Please bless my sleep
so it is refreshing
Or, if I wake in the middle of the night
May I wake up yearning to be with you
And then go into time of meeting You
in the Journey...